Wednesday, June 25, 2014

DIY Projects for #AgEd2Korea - The Ecorium

How can we truly empower learners to create their own global competency? A DIY project is a great start!

Watch to hear more reflection!

Friday, June 13, 2014

Apps Apps Apps - Growing out digital literacy

Librarian compiles list of educator-approved apps
Michelle Luhtala, a high-school librarian in Connecticut, used crowdsourcing to compile a list of education mobile applications with the help of educators from across the country. This article organizes the digital tools into categories such as note-taking, social media and digital storytelling and presentation tools. Shift Blog (6/11)
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Thursday, June 12, 2014

How entrepreneurship, projects can combine for meaningful lessons - SAE ROCKS!

Great idea that can easily be applied to school-based agricultural education.

How entrepreneurship, projects can combine for meaningful lessons
The success of project-based learning depends on whether students find the work meaningful, high-school teacher Raleigh Werberger writes in this blog post. Werberger describes a lesson plan that combined project-based learning strategies and entrepreneurship -- creating meaningful lessons with real-world potential and high stakes for students. Werberger writes that students were asked to create business models, presented to business leaders in a Shark Tank-like event, in which one project was funded. Werberger's blog (6/9)

Truly the total program model is the premier delivery system in Education:
  • Dynamic Applied STEM Classroom/Laboratory Instruction
  • Developing Youth Voice/Civic Engagement through student organization (FFA)
  • Developing entrepreneurial spirit/financial literarcy through work-based learning (SAE)

Rock on!

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

2014 IAAE Keynote Conversation - The Time is Now


 9:30-10:15am EST; 

Twitter Hashtag: 

Daniel D. Foster

·         Conversation Goals:
  1. Review current status of US school-based agricultural educators.
  2. Share practical strategies for recruitment and retention of candidates to the school-based agricultural education profession.
  3. Imagine possibilities for US & Indiana school-based agricultural education
PowerPoint Slide Deck: 

Multimedia Used:

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

2014 IAAE Workshop - Leveraging Social Media for Program Success: Preparing your Students for Digital World!

Leveraging Social Media for Program Success:
Preparing your students for the Digital World!

Twitter Conversation: #TeachAgSM14

A 2014 Indiana Association of Agricultural Educators Workshop
Time Allotted: 75 minutes

@FosterDanielD -Daniel Foster, Penn State Ag.Teacher Educator, University Park, PA
@AgEd4ME  - Matthew Eddy, Southeast Polk Agriscience Teacher, Des Moines, IA
@czsheehan- Zane Sheehan, California Agricultural Education State Staff Member/Former Red Wing Minnesota Agriscience Teacher
@jillianpsu- Jillian Gordon, Penn State 2015 Student Teacher, University Park, PA
@RCMcLean- Robin McLean, Northern Burlington Middle School Agriscience Teacher, Westampton, NJ (Virtually)

Learning Objectives:
Upon completion of the session, participants will be able to:
1.       Define the “why” of Social Media – What is it and how can it help education?
2.       Identify 15 immediate applications for school-based agricultural education
3.       Develop an action plan for immediate action
4.    Promoting engaged digital citizenship and #agedu advocates in our students

Handout Available: 

Presentation SlideDeck:

Other Resources:
Using Social Media with Middle School Agriscience Programs by Robin McLean

Our Connected Culture

Twitter for Teachers

Digital Citizenship Resources